Pressure evaluation

In txt format with wavelength and intensity columns
Might include uncertainty, e.g. 22.5(2)
In txt format with wavelength and intensity columns
Might include uncertainty, e.g. 22.5(2)

Ruby pressure scale

Ruby crystals exhibit a strong doublet of fluorescence signals around 693 and 694 nm, respectively. The position of these peaks, called usually R2 and R1, shifts with both temperature and pressure. In the temperature is known, the wavelength of the fluorescence can be used to evaluate the pressure experienced by the sample. This is commonly referred to as the "ruby fluorescence method".

There are countless workflows which lead from the raw fluorescence spectrum to the determined value of pressure. This stems from the fact that there are numerous distinct ways to: model the spectrum background, determine R2 and R1 positions, correct for non-standard temperature, as well as to translate the peak position into pressure. Some of these methods have been implemented in package pruby, which aims to provide a common interface for multiple techniques.


If you have found this page useful or you have utilised this pressure evaluation tool in your work, please consider citing the following website:

The following articles were used when preparing individual correcting and translation strategies: