
Daniel Tchoń, M.Sc.
Faculty of Chemistry,
University of Warsaw

Hi! I'm Daniel and I'm crystallographer by trade and programmer at heart. I like learning various things, particularly languages and cultures. In my free time I enjoy some indie- and euro-games. If you have any questions or issues concerning this website, or would just like to say hi, feel free to contact me!

Curriculum vitae

  • Research Scholar

    Nov 01, 2024 –

    Division of Solid State Physics, Department of Structure Analysis,
    Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physics: Prague, CZ
    Electron crystallography software developer under Dr. rer. nat. Lukáš Palatinus

  • Postdoctoral Scholar

    Sep 26, 2022 –

    Molecular Biophysics & Integrated Bioimaging Division, Berkeley Lab
    XFEL crystallographer & software developer under Dr. Nicholas Sauter

  • Junior Investigator

    Mar 31, 2022

    Faculty of Chemistry, University of Warsaw
    Project “Local crystal and magnetic structure modelling in potential quantum spin liquid alpha-RuCl3” under dr hab. Wojciech Sławiński

  • Subcontracted Investigator

    Mar 31, 2021

    Faculty of Chemistry, University of Warsaw
    Project “Experimental charge densities and structural studies of minerals - feasibility study” under prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Woźniak

  • Junior Investigator

    Aug 31, 2019

    Faculty of Chemistry, University of Warsaw
    Project “Structure and photophysical properties of selected pyrene derivatives in high pressure conditions” under dr hab. Anna Makal

  • Intern

    Sep 30, 2017

    Diamond Light Source, Harwell Science & Innovation Campus
    Beamline I19, under Dr. Dave Allan and Dr. Mark Warren

  • Ph.D. in Chemistry

    Sep 19, 2022

    Faculty of Chemistry, University of Warsaw
    Thesis “Polymorphism and luminescence of acetylated pyrene derivatives: analysis of structure and interactions based on single-crystal X-ray diffraction under pressure”

  • M.Sc. in Chemistry

    Jun 29, 2017

    Inter-Faculty MISMaP College, University of Warsaw
    Thesis “Structural and charge density analysis of doxycycline based on high-resolution X-ray and neutron diffraction”, with distinction

  • B.Sc. in Chemistry

    Jul 03, 2015

    Inter-Faculty MISMaP College, University of Warsaw
    Thesis “Analysis of charge density in a popular antibiotic – doxycycline”

  • High school

    May 30, 2012

    XIV High School of Stanislaw Staszic in Warsaw

  • Evolution of structure and spectroscopic properties of a new 1,3-di­acetylpyrene polymorph with temperature and pressure

    Jul 01, 2024

    Zwolenik, A., Tchoń, D., and Makal, A., 2024. IUCrJ 11 (4).

  • Development of Half-Sandwich Ru, Os, Rh, and Ir Complexes Bearing the Pyridine-2-ylmethanimine Bidentate Ligand Derived from 7-Chloroquinazolin-4(3H)-one with Enhanced Antiproliferative Activity

    Apr 13, 2024

    Łomzik, M., Błauż, A., Tchoń, D., Makal, A., Rychlik, B., and Plażuk, D., 2024. ACS Omega 9 (16), pp. 18224–18237.

  • Organometallic Ru, Os, Rh and Ir half-sandwich conjugates of ispinesib – impact of the organometallic group on the antimitotic activity

    Jul 11, 2023

    Łomzik, M., Błauż, A., Głodek, M., Makal, A., Tchoń, D., Ayine-Tora, D. M. Hartinger, C., Rychlik, B., and Plażuk, D., 2023. Dalton Trans., Advance Article

  • Self-Supervised Deep Learning for Model Correction in the Computational Crystallography Toolbox

    Jul 04, 2023

    Ganapati, V., Tchoń, D., Brewster, A. S., and Sauter, N. K., 2023. International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) conference article, accepted.

  • Hierarchy of Intermolecular Interactions in Highly Luminescent Pyrenyl-Pyrazole-Aldehyde

    Dec 29, 2022

    Gajda, R., Tchoń, D., and Makal, A., 2022. Cryst. Growth Des. 23 (2), pp. 862–872.

  • Charge density studies of single and transient (single to double) Boron-Oxygen bonds in (NH4)2B4O5(OH)4·2H2O

    Sep 14, 2022

    Gajda, R., Piekara, A., Tchoń, D., Woźniak, K., and Sławiński, W. A., 2022. Dalton Trans. 51, pp. 14865–14874.

  • Structural studies of halide hexaalkylguanidinium salts

    May 21, 2022

    Trzybiński, D., Wróbel, A., Tchoń, D., Kelland, M. and Woźniak, K., 2022. J. Mol. Struct., 1265, p.133338.

  • Maximizing completeness in single-crystal high-pressure diffraction experiments: phase transitions in 2°AP

    Nov 01, 2021

    Tchoń, D. and Makal, A., 2021. IUCrJ, 8(6), pp.1006-1017.

  • Three new polymorphs of 1,8-diacetylpyrene: a material with packing-dependent luminescence properties and a testbed for crystal structure prediction

    Jan 21, 2021

    Tchoń, D., Bowskill, D., Sugden, I., Piotrowski, P. and Makal, A., 2021. J. Mater. Chem. C, 9(7), pp.2491-2503.

  • Metal-Dependent Cytotoxic and Kinesin Spindle Protein Inhibitory Activity of Ru, Os, Rh, and Ir Half-Sandwich Complexes of Ispinesib-Derived Ligands

    Oct 19, 2020

    Łomzik, M., Hanif, M., Budniok, A., Błauż, A., Makal, A., Tchoń, D., Leśniewska, B., Tong, K., Movassaghi, S., Söhnel, T., Jamieson, S., Zafar, A., Reynisson, J., Rychlik, B., Hartinger, C. and Plażuk, D., 2020. Inorg. Chem., 59(20), pp.14879-14890.

  • Polymorphism and resulting luminescence properties of 1-acetylpyrene

    Aug 20, 2019

    Tchoń, D., Trzybiński, D., Wrona-Piotrowicz, A. and Makal, A., 2019. CrystEngComm, 21(38), pp.5845-5852.

  • Structure and piezochromism of pyrene-1-carbaldehyde at high pressure

    Jun 01, 2019

    Tchoń, D. and Makal, A., 2019. Acta. Crystallogr. B, 75(3), pp.343-353.

  • Doxycycline hydrate and doxycycline hydrochloride dihydrate – crystal structure and charge density analysis

    Sep 25, 2018

    Tchoń, D., Makal, A., Gutmann, M. and Woźniak, K., 2018. Z. Kristallogr. Cryst. Mater., 233(9-10), pp.649-661.

  • American Crystallographic Association

    Mar 29, 2023 –

    Regular member

  • Polish Crystallographic Association

    Jul 29, 2022 –

    Regular member

  • Polish Young Crystallographers

    Jul 29, 2022 –

    Founding member

  • Doctoral Students' Council of the University of Warsaw

    Feb 01, 2021 – Sep 29, 2022

    Regular member

  • Doctoral Students' Council of the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Warsaw

    Jan 20, 2021 – Sep 29, 2022

    Regular member

  • Polish Crystallographic Olympiad Committee

    Dec 10, 2020 –

    Regular member

  • Best Poster Awardee

    Jun 01, 2017 – Jun 25, 2021

    2nd place, 62nd Polish Crystallographic Meeting, June 2021
    Best poster, WKNKO2 student conference, June 2021
    Best poster, XXIII Student Poster Session, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Warsaw, May 2017

  • Crystallography Olympiad Laureate

    Jun 22, 2016

    5th place laureate of the 2nd Polish Crystallography Olympiad

  • Chemistry Olympiad Laureate

    Apr 30, 2012

    16th place laureate of the 58th Polish Chemistry Olympiad

  • Contrubutor and Participant

    Presenting author on 10 international and 8 polish conferences
    User of 1 neutron and 6 photon sources: ISIS, Diamond, KIT, SLS, SPring8, SOLEIL, Elettra
    Participant of HERCULES and Erice ISoC courses